So I took a few minutes out of my day to allow for a handful of "snapshots" of myself in the corner. I stood in the corner during the makeover of the studio that was done while the studio was closed for covid 19. Let's just say it's not very often that the camera finds it's way on this side of my face. This shot has my cell phone in my hand and appropriately so, because when a camera isn't there, then I'm usually checking messages from my clients. So that few moments in the corner was just me being me... It was one of those rare images of myself that I actually like, when I say RARE, I do mean RARE because I almost NEVER like a photo of Cindi... Bare with me, I promise there's a point to this story...
You see, Cindi has suffered from very LOW SELF ESTEEM for a very long time. I won't go into all of the sordid details, but Cindi is the product of an abusive past, one that she still carries with her at 55 years old. Much of the abuse she endured during her first marriage just never really goes away. I married way too young. So when I picked up a camera almost 35 years ago and made this my career, there was only ONE THING I was absolutely sure of and that was I wanted to make anyone and everyone who stepped in front of my lens feel really good about themselves and do whatever I possibly could to reveal just how amazing they were through those many layers of glass. THAT BECAME MY MISSION...
That moment when a client peeks at the back screen of my camera and sees just how amazingly beautiful they are, that is a truly magical moment for me just as much as it is for them. That's the moment I know I have accomplished my mission for them. Everyone deserves to know just how beautiful they are, whether it be through a lens or in some other way. I have been gifted with this ability and I'm so very thankful for it. This gift has also helped me to overcome, heal and grow through so much myself. The photos on this new website are the first ones of myself I have truly liked in so long. I'm thankful to have come this far. Life is a journey and who knows where it will lead from here.
Be kind. You never know what battles someone may be trying to overcome...
Ms Cindi